A Story

Couple: Hey fellas, that’s our car.

Men: You shouldn’t park here in front of the club.

Couple: Why not?  It’s a legal spot.

Men: Assholes, you are blocking the entrance to the club.

Couple: There is no need for foul language!

Men: Shut the f** up, bitch!

Man in couple: Don’t talk to her like that!

Men: F** you.

The three thugs beat up the couple, David and Mandy (names changed to protect their privacy).

David and Mandy filed suit in the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands, Division of St. Thomas & St. John. They won two separate judgments, David for $64,475.00 and Mandy for $175,970.50.

Seven years later, they had received nothing.

At which point Mandy hired me to try to collect her judgment.

I found the former owner of the club—one of the assailants—in Henderson Nevada, and located a second, one of his security thugs, in Miami. The third, a suspended policeman, still lives in the Virgin Islands.

I moved the case to Nevada and, using the judgment as legal cause, froze their bank accounts. So far, I have recovered $16,356.89 from the former club owner. After domesticating the judgment in Florida as well, collected $2,565.90 from the second assailant, and I have a writ in progress in the Virgin Islands against the third assailant. But this case is just beginning.

Have you collected anything on your judgment ?

Collecting judgments is my specialty. Your judgment is a powerful document that allows me to   work through the legal and banking systems to identify your debtors’ assets, freeze them or claim them, and collect payment that is owed to you. I get paid on commission only, so if I don’t collect any money, there is no cost to you. I take all the risk.

Call me at 718-360-1354 to discuss your judgment—and getting you the payment you’re owed.